"This Is Dedicated to the One(s) I Love"

My real motivation for creating this blog is Joseph, our fourth child. Of course, all of the family will be included, but I want to dedicate this site to my little Joe.
People often ask how Joseph is and this provides a great reference tool as well as an opportunity to share my son's life and his defect with those who care the most.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Thanks so much for all your thoughts and prayers. I am so glad so many of you have taken the time to look at Joe's Blog. Your emails of love and support keep me going.
Joseph is doing well- baby steps, but still progressing forward. His only complaint has been the 1/2 inch chest tube inserted at the base of his sternum. It has started to become quite irritated. Normally, in most cases, they don't have to leave it in so long but because Joseph's Fontan conduit does not have fenestration, fluid has accumulated more heavily around his heart and lungs than the typical Fontan patient. So... his chest tube must stay in until the output is mild enough that it can be just expelled as urine instead of being directly drained. He's so strong, though, and bear's the pain rather well. We've upped his oral pain meds to make him more comfortable. Today, he asked to go to Chuck-E-Cheese about five times.
(i'm no longer receiving the silent treatment)
I expect it may be a few more days before the chest tube can come out but once that happens, the light at the end of the tunnel will be in view. As soon as that time comes, for us to go home, Chuck-E-Cheese will have to be the first stop.

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